Designing place-based ecologies.
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Patchwork City Farms

Patchwork City Farms

Atlanta, GA

Patchwork City Farms is an independently-owned, urban farm located in the Oakland City neighborhood of Atlanta, Georgia. Patchwork City Farms proudly continues to be at the leading edge of Farm to Table, Slow Food, and Sustainable Agricultural movements. Patchwork City Farms was founded my Jamila Norman (aka Farmer J), one of the founding member and current manager of the South West Atlanta Growers Cooperative (SWAG Coop), a cooperative formed in 2010 centered around black urban farmers in Atlanta’s burgeoning urban agriculture movement.

Patchwork City Farms vision seeks to be a place that not only grows healthy, organic vegetables, but also grows the people that set foot on it. The vision puts into action a belief in whole wellness––a vision of health that is not only informed by what we put into our bodies, but also how we nourish our minds, our neighbors, and the land. The farm serves as the backdrop for for an ecosystem of health and wellness for the community. Future programming includes events and short-term stays, and the farm supplements an ecology of uses that cultivates a platform for health, wellness, and food access in the Oakland City community.

The programmatic drivers for Patchwork are a working farm, events and hospitality. The plan includes expanded farm operations, small office HQ for the farm, farmer housing, short-term stay units and a 2,000 sf health and wellness pavilion, including a spa and commercial kitchen.

Services: master planning, vision planning, architectural design