Backyard ATL — eightvillage
Designing place-based ecologies.

Backyard ATL

Backyard ATL

Atlanta, GA

Backyard ATL is an on-going affordable housing initiative that provides Atlanta homeowners with backyard space a platform to earn additional income with their property. It is a turnkey solution that takes care of the design, financing and construction of a rental unit on a homeowner’s lot.

A homeowner signs an agreement with Backyard ATL for the rights to lease their backyard. In this agreement is a monthly payment to the homeowner in exchange for allowing us to build in the backyard. Backyard ATL will then pay for and build the unit, while the homeowner receives monthly payments. The homeowner can participate in part of the design process, as well as help vet potential tenants and help manage the ADU.

The development scheme involves creating a whole-neighborhood solution to creating affordable housing, density and wealth building in low to moderate income neighborhoods. ADUs are constructed in tranches to create an economies of scale to the project, as well as generate a meaningful scale of impact in communities. The backyard unit aims to be affordable for the middle-class, being rented to professions such as teachers, social workers, fireman, among others, and the main house typically is a low-moderate income homeowner or a non-profit Community Development Corporation seeking to create and preserve affordable housing. Pictured are ADUs from our Historic South Atlanta tranche of ADU development done in partnership with Focused Community Strategies (FCS).

eightvillage is the developer and architect for Backyard ATL, more info can be found at:

Services: urban design, development, architecture