Designing place-based ecologies.

Missolonghi Fish Market

Academic - Missolonghi, GREECE

The Missolonghi Fish Market exists at the split between urban and suburban. It spans over a canal that flows between the salt fields and marina, acting as a gateway from industry to port. In the context of the town, the market pro­vides a linkage between the city and the outlying residences and fishermen huts, while also providing a place that can showcase Missolonghi's fishing industry and product. 

The market includes a seafood restaurant and vending stalls where locals and tourists alike can partake in the consumption of fish, including Roe, a staple of Missolonghi. Though a bridge, the building acts as an object on the water, oriented towards one of the best views the lagoon has to offer. Visitors can enjoy seafood while watching boats pass under them and fishermen fishing.